
canpigride,Writing Effective Defect Reports


Make sure that what you are reporting is really a bug. You can lose credibility very quickly if you get a reputation of reporting problems that turn out to be setup problems, user errors, or misunderstandings of the product. Before you write up the problem, make sure that you have done your homework. 
Before writing up the problem consider:
  •  Is there something in the setup that could have caused this?
  • For example, are the correct versions installed and all dependencies met?
  • Did you use the correct login, security, command/task sequence and so fourth?
  •  Could an incomplete cleanup, incomplete results, or manual interventions from a previous test cause this?
  •  Could this be the result of a network or some other environmental problem?
  •  Do you really understand how this is supposed to work?

There are always numerous influences that can affect the outcome of a test. Make sure that you understand what these influences are and consider their role in the perceived bug you are reporting. This is one area that quickly separates the experienced tester from the novice.
If you are unsure about the validity of the problem it may be wise to consult with an experienced tester or developer prior to writing up the problem.

As a rule of thumb it helps to remember the adage that “it is a sin
to over report, but it is a crime to under report.” Don’t be afraid
to write up problems. Do your best to ensure that they are valid
problems. When you discover that you have opened a problem and
it turns out to be an incorrectly reported problem, make sure
that you learn from it.