
canpigride,Writing Effective Defect Reports


Often times, the developers will fix exactly what you report,without even realizing the problem is a more general problem that needs a more general fix. For example,
I may report that my word processor “save file” function failed and the word processor abended when I tried to save the file “myfile”.
A little more investigation may have revealed that this same failure occurs anytime I save a zero length file. Perhaps, on this release
it abends on every save to a remote disk, a read only disk, and so forth. To already know this when you write the report will save the developer a lot of time and enhance the possibility of a better fix to handle the general case.
When you detect a problem, take reasonable steps to determine if it is more general than is immediately obvious.

Generalize Example
Defect Remark
Error message for "file not found" error has garbage characters for the file name.
Error message for "file not found" error has garbage characters for the file name. Every message I tried that expected data to be inserted in the message had the same problem. Messages without inserts were okay.